SiC 3 Phase Inverter Circuit Blok​

Compact SiC 3 Phase Inverter with High Capacity​

RoHM’s SiC-MOSFET integrated Full Bridge Inverter that capable of​ operating at rated Power of 10kVA within the compact A5 size.​
Embedded with sensors that allow the Voltage/Current feedback.​
Can be operated as Chopper circuit or Single Phase inverter too.​

Compact SiC 3 Phase Inverter with High Capacity​

Can be used just by preparing of 24V/5V power source, cabling and a set of controller.​
Can be used as a Motor Inverter.​
Can be used as Chopper, Single Phase Inverter by changing the connection method.​

Open Concept Design​

Suitable for a various testing.​
Circuit diagram is provided as a design reference.​

Specification(Model: HGCB-6A-401300)

Size​ W: 213mm / D: 123mm / H: 67mm Except for the Projections​
Weight​ 950g​
Voltage Range​ (DC-side)​ 0V~400V​ Between P-N port​
Current Range ​ (AC-side)​ 30Arms​ AC port Current​
(Derating in High Frequency and High Voltage Range)​
AC Power Capacity​ 10kVA​
Switching Frequency​ ~200kHz​
Dead time​ 200ns< Directly Defined by user​
Voltage Sensor​ 400V / 4V​ - Between P-N port​
- Circuit Protection​
against over/under​ volatege​
(Threshold set by Volume)​
Current Sensor​ ±100A / ±4V​ - 3-phase Current​
- Curcuit Protection​
against over/under​ current​
(Threshold set by Volume)​
Power Supply 5V​ < 0.15A​
Power Supply 24V​ < 0.75A​
※Specification subject to change without notice​

External Interface

Gate Signal​ Input​ 5V TTL (Negative)​ Pull-up with 4.7kΩ​
Error Reset Signal​ Input​ 5V TTL (Negative)​ Pull-up with 4.7kΩ​
Error Signal​ Output​ - 5V TTL (Negative) (“Low w/ error”)​
- Overheat Protection Detection​
Analogue Signal​ Output​ - DC Voltage x1​
- AC Current x3​
Error Signal​ (for Error Link)​ Input/Output​ - 5V TTL (Positive)​
- Error Status Sharing​
Reset Signal​ (for Error Link)​ Input/Output​ - 5V TTL (Positive)​
- Reset Status Sharing​


Block Diagram